Wednesday 9 December 2020

On waltzing with Lord Helix

It was only too late that I realised the exit was pre-mature. “Wel-“, it turns out, has more words that it rolls out. Is it something to dance about? No. But we have “waltz” (a dance that involves lots of turns and whirls) anyway.


Lord Helix. Also called "the Lord and Savior", "the Almighty Helix" and "the Holy Helix". Known for spawning off the "Church of Helix" religion. ⁣

Now if you dance around with “wel-“ to Latin, it mutates to “hel-“. So, a “spiral-like thing” becomes a helix. That gives us words like helicity, helicometry, and helical (Yes, I too think that some of these words belong to the category of those which exist simply because they can). One of the more interesting ones though, is the word “helicopter”. It’s composed of roots “heli-“ + “-pter” (spiral + to fly). So, it literally is something that flies using a spiral action. That said though, “wel-“ has outlived its welcome. Raise a potion to Lord Helix, and let’s HM Fly off from here.⁣

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