Thursday 22 October 2020

Why revolutions need wallets


The realization of a struggle, is what we call a revolution. “Revolution” is made up of “re-“ which is Latin for “again”, and “volvere”, derived from PIE “wel-” which means to “turn”. So, it literally is a “turn of events”.


The most interesting root here is the PIE “wel-“. It forms a part of surprisingly many words. A act of bringing about a new turn of events is a revolt. It is successful though only when people become a part of this turn, or are “involved” in it. When successful, this “rolls out” a new chapter of society making it “evolve”. A revolt needs to be targeted though. Bringing together too many issues can result in it becoming “convoluted” (“con-“ in Latin means “together”). 



These revolts may not always end “wel-“ though. Often, they are curbed by an instrument, that turns a cylinder to reload, called a “revolver”. Other elements involved could be the substance found behind huge safes, which open by turning huge handles, called “vaults”. Those, which one keeps folded in “wallets”.


That is when one should turn to other things. For example, “wel-“ gives its name to a part of machine that folds or turns, called a valve, and a machine that works by turning (wheels perhaps?) called a Volvo. The curving, arched part of a building, and the jump you make rolling over that part shouting “PARKOUR!” are both called vaults, with the latter serving as a really cool exit too.

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