Sunday 26 April 2020

Starry starry night

As far as celebrating pauses go, you can either create a sad Instagram post out of them, or if you listen to a Benedictine Monk Perignon, you can use the time to taste the stars. He was talking about having champagne. The word itself is derived from French “champagne” which literally means sparkling wine from the Champagne region. Or countryside. But you never know when wine becomes a full-fledged war (or you do, I’m not judging).

The countryside aspect was over time picked up by the armies because of all the work they did in the countryside. Like digging up trenches, setting up tents and not finding any good place to “do their business”. That’s where we get the word “campaign”. Overtime it became more and more associated with battles, and armies and when this simple French word finally reached the German language, it was spelt slightly differently, and it now meant “struggle”. Very apt for the German military.
It was finally immortalized by a very famous military leader who decided to name his autobiography on his struggles. Or his “Kampf”.

Think about it the next time you have champagne. (But don’t think out loud, it’s not usually well-received at parties ._.)

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