Sunday 26 April 2020

How to escape the Matrix

Continuing beyond meta, we get “morph”. Morph- is again a Greek root which means shape, or form. It has since been picked up by scientists to mean anything related with shape. When there are many shapes of a being, it’s called a polymorph, and the study of such shapes may be called morphology. If you find a fruit which looks strangely like a person and is now your president, then that fruit is anthropomorphic (or in the form of a human). If you see three teenagers spontaneously change into primary coloured dresses as they begin to introduce themselves to you for no apparent reason, then you just saw them morphing into Power Rangers.  

If you want to give shape to your thoughts, you have to be a dreamer. The god of sleep and dreams is therefore Morpheus. It is from him that we get the name of a drug that induces sleep: morphine. He later also dreamed up the Matrix, and had poor Neo do his bidding. This raises a legit question though: did Morpheus really wear those glasses the entire trilogy to hide he was sleeping and was actually sleep-talking the whole time?

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