Sunday 28 March 2021

On why broken NY Resolutions can still be kept

A vast majority of the followers of Hinduism believe that taking a dip in the Holy River of Ganga can wash away all their sins. The piety touches its yearly acme in the month of “Magha”, marked by swarms of devotees from all across the world; all of humanity lining up for a 10-second dip in the water that can purge away their trespasses. ⁣⁣

Halfway across the world, perhaps synchronously (but one can only guess), another group of people made an almost similar divine discovery. Romans too had a dedicated ceremony for a “purification process”. This was a festival of honour, ritualistic purification and washing – called Februa (which literally means the “purification”). ⁣
This time of the year, therefore came to be called “February” in the Roman Calendar, and then in the Gregorian Calendar, coinciding with the month of "Magha" in the Hindu calendar.

The point of all this exposition, is that The Orientals and Occidents, all came together to give you a chance of washing away your mistakes and start the year anew. ⁣

"The Magh Mela at Allahabad", the Graphic, 1888.

So, if January was especially bad for you, it was only because it was meant to be. And history has got you covered. That’s why February exists – a time to purify.⁣
Refresh those resolutions you broke, restart that diet plan, and renew that gym membership, because etymologically, January of any year is just its probation period.⁣

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