Wednesday 17 June 2020

Does Mensa International have anything to do with mind?

Mnemonic is formed of the root “mne-“ which means “to think” or “memory” in Ancient Greek. Anything pertaining to memory is thus a mnemonic. Pardoning someone’s actions, almost as if forgetting them, is granting them “amnesty”.

The root is also spelt as “men-” in PIE and “mens or mem-“ in Latin. All are related to “mind and intellect”. Words like mental, dementia (decreasing “mens-“), amnesia (absence of “mens’”), mention (a remembrance) mentor (a wise advisor) are all derived from here. Mentor becomes Mantri derived from Sanskrit (root as “manas-“) who are known for their Mantras (an instrument of thought).

The Greeks later spelt it as “maton”. Spawning all sorts of words like automaton (one which could think of itself), automation, and automatic. Minds have never been easy to read (about). Those who have been idle enough to try have had to inevitably deal with manias and maniacs. That being said, the real tragedy is not people casually forcing in “but Freud has been refuted”, but Mensa International does not derive its name from this root :/

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