Friday 1 May 2020

Is Knowledge Free?

With all said and written about writing, the natural next stop becomes books; and if you’ve been doing your Community College homework then you know that “bibl-” means “book”, a root from Ancient Greek. Thus while any book is a bible, only the book is the Bible. Thereon you have words like bibliography (a writing about the books you have used), bibliophile is someone who loves books, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a bibliophage, or someone who reads a lot (as if devouring them). Like apothecaries (“thec” being Greek for “chest or collection”), we have a bibliothecary (or bibliotheca). Nowadays, you can get tailored reading lists for mental therapeutics. This is called bibliotherapy and it may be more helpful than you may realise at first thought.

In Latin “liber-“ means a “bark” from which pages could be made. From here we get words like library, libretto (operatic text) and any written statement which becomes a libel. Somewhere along the line, these written pieces, as evidences, made getting away with stuff really hard for some admirals, and they starting taking such written statements as an attack on their reputation; that’s when they decided to make it actionable in courts. That being said, I think it is really saddening to know that liberty is not derived from the same root as library :/

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